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Service at MUMC

Serving Our Church, Community, and World

Marshfield UMC is really into being of service. From opening our building for groups that need a safe space to meet to sleeping on other churches' floors so we can do mission work far from home, we are happy to show up and help where there is need. Below you will find descriptions of some of our service ministries grouped by where the service happens - in our world, in our community, or in our church - along with contact names in case one or more of these areas of service speaks to you. If you have any questions or want more information about any of these ministries, contact the Church Office or email

Service to the Community

Stephen Ministry

Contact: Dawn Corbin-Deutsch

Stephen Ministry is an ecumenical ministry that equips lay people to provide one-to-one Christian care to people in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry. A Stephen Minister is a caring Christian friend who listens, cares, prays, supports, and encourages people who are hurting. Stephen Ministry is always willing to talk to people about discerning a call to Christian caregiving.

Blessing Box

Contact: Kris Chadek or the Office

We are always collecting shelf-stable grocery and hygiene items to stock the Blessing Box located in front of the ARK building. This is free for anyone in the community who needs food for the cupboards.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Contact: Connie Hutchins

The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the second Wednesday of each month from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the ARK building  to create and dedicate knitted and crocheted items for those who need a little warmth and blessing in their life. Individuals in the group make a variety of items -- currently prayer shawls, baby blankets, and hats. We welcome any knitter, crocheter or anyone wanting to learn. 

Little Free Library

Contact: Kris Chadek or the Office

Check out the little box of books near the front of the church. Take a book, read and return, or keep it if you like. Donations of children's and adult's books are always needed as well.

Community Service

Service to Our Congregation

Congregational Care

Contact: Office

Congregational Care encompasses many of the ways we care for those who are involved in the life of the congregation. It means visiting those in care facilities, bringing church to our homebound members, providing food in times of healing, and keeping in contact with all the people that make up the church. 

Children's Ministries Volunteers

Contact:  Maggie Melvin, NextGen Ministries

Our Children and Youth Ministries take many volunteers to create safe spaces for kids to grow. There is an online training and screening process for volunteers. From Sunday School teachers to VBS - we have short and long-term volunteer opportunities to serve the rising number of kids in our congregation.

Hospitality Team

Contact: DeAnne Rader, Interim Director of Discipleship

The Hospitality Team is a new area of service in the church that helps reach out to our guests, ensure they have a welcoming experience at the church, and follow up to connect people to their areas of interest.

Prayer Team

Worship Leadership

Contact: Susan Newcomb, Volunteer Coordinator
It takes many people to make Sunday mornings run smoothly online and in-person. We have a variety of volunteers each Sunday that we call Worship Leaders - Fellowship Hosts, Greeters, Ushers, Liturgists, Communion Assistants, Musicians, Online Hosts, the AV Team, and Children's Ministry volunteers. We encourage you to let us know if you are willing to serve in worship leadership.

​Contact: Becky Erb

The Prayer Team meets on Tuesday afternoons in the library to discuss new prayer requests and updates to existing requests, to pray together, and to handle follow-up for those who are hurting. They keep in touch by text during the week as new prayer requests come in. 

Congregational Service
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