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Worship at MUMC
We worship on Sunday mornings at 10 AM in a blended worship style, which means the pipe organ may be paired with an electric bass for a praise song, followed by a hymn accompanied by piano. We show lyrics on a screen in the corner of the sanctuary, and there are hymnals available in the pews.
Our services of worship are designed with a theme in mind and often feature unique elements that keep things fresh. While we follow the same basic pattern of worship and usually have our Lead Pastor in the pulpit, the services are different from week to week and led by a different team of volunteers.
We know it is challenging to worship in a new space with new people. We've included information on various elements of the services below so you know what to expect when we worship with you.
Chancel Choir
Under the direction of Martha (Marty) Foglesong
The Chancel Choir is a very special part of worship and the Marshfield UMC, dedicated to enhancing worship with their gifts and devoted to Marty and each other. They practice every Wednesday evening and present an anthem almost every Sunday. Near Christmas, over 40 singers deliver a Cantata with partial orchestra. Marty is gifted at bringing out the best in musicians, and her gift shows up in the glorious music the Choir brings to worship services. Please contact Marty if you are interested in singing in the Choir.
Children & Worship
Choices for children on Sunday mornings
During most worship services, we have trained volunteers staffing the JAM (Jesus and Me) room during worship as well as paid nursery staff for smaller children. Children are also VERY welcome in worship on any Sunday.
On the first Sunday of each month, we close the JAM room and invite all children into worship. We have toys set out for them to play with during the service as well as a coloring page on the front of the bulletin. We expect lots of noise on the first Sunday of the month, and we intentionally consider the presence of lots of kids when we plan our worship service that week.
We want kids to want to come to church on Sundays! They are not the future of our church - they are its present, so there is lots of room for children to be children during worship.
Worship Leaders
Staff and volunteers work together to lead vibrant worship
One of the coolest things about Marshfield UMC is the willingness of people to serve in worship leadership. Rev. Kim is usually in the pulpit, and we have a different team of worship leaders each week. Our rotation for liturgists (the person who opens the service with a reflection and prayer) is 4 1/2 months long! Every week, we have a liturgist, an online host, ushers, greeters, and fellowship hosts. Whatever your gifts, there is a place you can serve on Sundays. If you are interested in serving in any of these roles, we encourage you to contact the office so we can find you a way to serve in an upcoming service of worship.
Holy Communion
Monthly celebration of The Lord's Supper
Once a month, we celebrate The Lord's Supper together. Usually the ushers lead about 20 people forward to the rail, communion is offered in cups and bread to each group, which takes communion together and waits for a blessing for dismissal back to their seats. Those in worship who do not want to participate in Communion are free to remain in their seats.
We use a traditional structure for our Communion most of the time, although we might try something new (or old) every few months.
If there is a lot of illness in the community, we may offer Holy Communion through self-serve cups which are handed out with bulletins at the beginning of the worship service. This is not our usual (or preferred) way of celebrating The Lord's Supper, but we utilize it when necessary.
Online Worship
The AV Team is not messing around but they are having fun
Our worship services are live-streamed each week on FaceBook. They are also available as recorded services after the livestream has ended on this site and on FaceBook. You can use the online prayer request form at any time to submit prayer requests. We strive to think about our online worship experience as much as our in-worship experience, so we have an online host to greet worshippers and handle prayer requests.We have also live-streamed funeral services and seasonal mid-week services. We are currently working on ways to improve the online worship experience, and we encourage you to share your ideas with the AV Team.
"The Bible knows nothing of solitary religion."