With summer in full swing, you might expect to have smaller numbers attending our Children’s Ministry programs, but we’ve seen quite the opposite! HOORAY! We have already made so many wonderful memories as a church family and we still have the better part of a month before school starts.
Superintendent Mike Henry and his son Drew came to Sun Day School to tell us all about their beekeeping and how they see God’s hand in the world around us, specifically in nature. We had a great turnout to welcome them, and we learned a lot! Thank you to all who came.
Our FOOD TRUCK VBS was a blast! The focus was “food stories” in the Bible, and how we can trust in God’s provision. The kids learned several stories about God providing for the needs of His children. They also learned a prayer of thanksgiving to express gratitude for the things that God has faithfully given. Thank you to Tracy Gray and Cara Melvin for the time and devotion to making this VBS as success. Lastly, a heartfelt thank you to all of the volunteers. It couldn’t happen without you! - Susan