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Mission Trip Success!

The youth, and adult volunteers, had a great mission trip to Knoxville, TN. Our group of 3 chaperones, 9 youth, 3 vehicles and loads of supplies left the ARK at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 19th. We drove straight through to Knoxville, TN with a short stop along the way to enjoy the beauty of Ozone Falls.

During our trip we served in a variety of ways. Some of us worked on scraping, repairing and painting a house and cleaning up the landscape, while others worked hard at a local thrift store. We served meals and wrote notes of encouragement and faith at Knoxville Area Rescue Ministries (KARM), and also helped with organization, clearing and cleaning at Serenity House. All of these works were as much a blessing to our group as to those we worked with and for. We have published the entire group of notes of thanks to our church family and a small selection below. - Coach Mac

Thank you United Methodist Church for allowing us to go on this mission trip. It was an incredible experience for me and I grew my relationship with God more than I can explain. On the third day of the mission trip I stepped out of my comfort zone and gave a testimony in front of the group. The trip has helped me grow spiritually as well as personally. It helped we step out of my shell. It was such a blessing to be able to do what we did to help the people who needed it, and it made me feel amazing working through God. It was just an amazing trip that I will forever be thankful for. So once again I cannot say this enough, but thank you for this amazing opportunity. - Cierra Cramer

Dear MUMC,

Thank you guys so much for allowing us all to go on this mission trip! It was so impactful for my relationship with God and I am so thankful that because of you guys I was able to come closer to God and more on fire for Him too. Not only did you allow us to impact our lives, but hundreds of homeless peoples, women who have suffered from abuse, and helping the KARM organization to work harder to help more homeless. This trip was so meaningful in so many ways and we couldn't have done it without you! Thank you and God bless. - Lily Hopper

Dear MUMC,

Thank you for helping me go on this trip! Your generosity is what made this trip possible! Thank you! This is my third mission trip, and this is the only one that has incorporated real worship into its program. My relationship with God has grown so much. I am grateful I got to go on this wonderful trip! Serving others feels good. I look forward to mission trips every year because of that reason. Thank you for all of the love, support, and prayers. - Maggie Melvin

First and foremost, Thank you Rex for being supportive of me going on these mission trips. He has always encouraged me to go when asked - maybe there is a reason! Secondly, thank you to our church. You have allowed a large group of kids to go and serve God in places they most likely would never go. Experiencing each of these places brings renewed faith in what we do.

These are not picnics! You work, you sweat, you sleep on floors at times. You share showers and bathrooms with many, many kids. In return, you get to meet and learn about the people you serve. Each has their own unique story. Sometimes you walk away shaking your head. But it's not for us to judge.

Finally, I want to say thank you to Coach Mac. He is a true leader to these kids in becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. He has allowed me to accompany on these trips the last 13 years and it has been my pleasure! (I'm sure on more than one occasion he has wanted to push me out of the van door!) Thank you. - Susan Newcomb

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