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They will know we are Christians by our love.

We have been focusing on evangelism and loving our neighbor. As believers, living our lives means that we allow the Lord to be Lord of our lives, allowing the Holy Spirit of God to lead our lives and direct our paths. God determines what our lives were created for and how we would fit into that world. We were created to worship and love God, having a meaningful relationship with Him and for Him to be our God. Allowing Him to be our strength and guidance every step of the way.

In a book that I am currently reading, Transforming Evangelism, by Henry Knight III and F. Douglas Powe, Jr., we are taken back to the basics of freedom of loving God and evangelism through John Wesley. Wesley said, “Evangelism involves sharing our faith with others, but welcoming them into a community and enabling them begin to grow in their faith. Above all, evangelism is about Love; God’s love for us in Jesus, our love for our neighbor, and the invitation to receive ad grow in a new life that is characterized by love.”[1] This is an important aspect of who we are as Christians, extending hospitality, having a relationship with the community, and extending the invitation that they are invited to come. It is important that when walking through the doors of our churches, they experience God’s love. In our fellowship, not just within our churches’ but enveloping them into the community in which they come from.

I am humbled and blessed to be appointed another year to Marshfield UMC, Conway UMC, and St. Mark’s UMC. I am excited by the wonderful work that is being done in Marshfield UMC, and what we are doing in our community. Sharing this love, excited for our church as we continue to grow in faith, and sharing our love with our neighbors.

As your Associate Pastor, my goal is to help you grow. Continuing to pray that I stand firm in encompassing my love for Jesus, humbly sharing it with the congregations I serve, with all of you, the communities that I serve and with all my neighbors. As the song goes, “They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love, they will know we are Christians by our love." Thank you for who you are and whose you are in Jesus Christ. You are all amazing and I am humbled to be a part in this wonderful house of God that we call our church. I love you all.

Blessings and Love,


[1] Transforming Evangelism by Henry Knight III and F Douglas Powe, Jr.

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